有一個協會專門收容一些因性取向( 統稱LGBT)而被家人遺棄而無家可歸的年輕人。這些表面看似嬉鬧,決意要捍衞自我權益的誇張行為背後所隱藏的都是一些破碎的生命。這些年輕人都有着強烈的生存意慾,渴望在社會中找到自己的位置。在協會裡,他們要盡快在六個月內找到工作,這期間他們有地方居住,有時間讓他們面對並接受自己的本質。而同時,協會的負責人妮歌和協助她的亞歷士也被迫要面對他們的失敗,並開始質疑自己幫助他人的動機。
4.0 误判
1.0 五分钱男孩
2.0 穿越无尽的海洋前往月球
6.0 暗夜之魂
9.0 黎塞留
2023 剧情简介:Arine’s difficult financial situation forces her to return to her hometown, where she takes a job interpreting between a farm’s seasonal workers from Guatemala and their Canadian employers. Although she is supposed to remain impartial, when she repeatedly witnesses the migrant workers’ mistreatment, she cannot remain silent. She may possibly be the only person who sees them as ... -
4.0 心火2024