雾港市经侦大队队长郑义(王千源 饰)在调查一宗涉及数百亿的股票诈骗案中,发现韩东川(冯绍峰 饰)以“Dr.Han”的名义,与好兄弟成立“大金牛投顾机构”,利用直播诱导投资,做局诈骗。一场与时间赛跑的激烈较量,在警方反诈精英与“犯罪天才”之间展开。而随着调查深入,真相却愈加扑朔迷离。韩东川有何隐情?幕后黑手究竟是谁?重重迷局如何破解?在充满欲望的金钱堡垒之中,一切悬念将被解开……
4.0 误判
1.0 五分钱男孩
2.0 穿越无尽的海洋前往月球
6.0 暗夜之魂
9.0 黎塞留
2023 剧情简介:Arine’s difficult financial situation forces her to return to her hometown, where she takes a job interpreting between a farm’s seasonal workers from Guatemala and their Canadian employers. Although she is supposed to remain impartial, when she repeatedly witnesses the migrant workers’ mistreatment, she cannot remain silent. She may possibly be the only person who sees them as ... -
4.0 心火2024