在遥远的南极,白茫茫的一片世界中,住着Pingu一家。Pingu活泼好动,鬼点子不少,经常惹得企鹅妈妈生气,或是把家里弄得底朝天,有时还和朋友们来些大冒险,尤其是在妹妹出生以后,更甚。但在调皮淘气间,Pingu也在慢慢成长,虽然嫉妒妹妹夺走了妈妈的注意力,但Pingu依然有哥哥的自觉,在一些经历中了解事情的对错。有趣又不失温馨的故事温暖着冰天雪地的世界。 由瑞士公司制作的Pingu系列动画片,是黏土动画的代表作之一,1992年被Sony公司看中带进日本市场。之后Pingu迅速风靡全球,成为人们喜爱的卡通形象之一。
3.0 企鹅家族第四季
2004 欧美动漫简介: PINGU is put out when he loses several games of hide and seek and to make matters his friends are laughing at his efforts to find them. When he sees a ladder PINGU has the perfect solution and climbs up an iceberg from where he is able to see all the hiding places. But the tables are turned when the others remove the ladder and PINGU is left stranded on his vantage point. -
4.0 企鹅家族第五季
2.0 企鹅家族第六季
4.0 大北方第四季
9.0 格林童话变奏曲
4.0 芭比梦幻仙境之彩虹仙子