全透明的包装袋是人们日常生活用的十分多的,衣服裤子物件、电子设备、饮食搭配商品等等等等,这种必须放到全透明无气味的包装袋尺寸恰好的包装袋里边,可是在品质的优劣上就不得而知了。历经这项数据调查报告,现阶段在我国的包装袋健康安 全达标率仅超过60%多,少关键缘故是采用原料不善。大伙儿在选购包装袋时,尽量要看清,别错用了废弃再造的包装袋。下边就来解读一下下。
Transparent packaging bags are used in people's daily life, such as clothes, pants, electronic equipment, food and beverage products, etc., which must be put into the transparent and odorless packaging bag with the right size, but the quality is unknown. After this data survey report, at present, the health and safety compliance rate of packaging bags in China is only more than 60%, at least the key reason is the poor use of raw materials. Everyone in the purchase of packaging bags, try to see clearly, do not misuse the recycled packaging bags. I'll explain it below.
The category is made of non-toxic and safe raw materials such as high-pressure polyethylene and polypropylene which meet the industry standards. This kind of packaging bag can be used to hold food; the other type is made of hazardous and unsafe raw materials such as waste plastics and recycled particles, which will dissolve and cause harmful substances due to temperature change.
In general, people can carry out simple identification from the following aspects:
Look at the hue first
The health and safety packaging bag is natural color with good clarity.
The second is color
The color of health and safety packaging bags is symmetrical, and it is not easy to be damaged; the surface layer of discarded and recycled purchased bags is uneven with cat plague particles residue, which is usually the most vulnerable to damage.
Plastic bag manufacturer
Smell it again
Health and safety packaging bags are usually odorless; plastic packaging manufacturers waste recycling bags usually have pungent or abnormal fragrance.
Finally, we can see the sign of acquisition
According to the requirements of national industry standards, plastic packaging materials can be marked with "recycling and recycling", and marking on the pattern means different plastic marking numbers, which is convenient for purchasing waste materials for other purposes.
Obviously, the invention and invention of plastic was less than 150 years ago. At that time, people were very excited about their coming out, but they had to make great efforts to solve this kind of addiction in daily life, which produced great threat to people's living conditions.
Plastic is an organic chemical crude oil commodity obtained from crude oil or coal. If it is produced, it can not be dissolved naturally. Plastic buried in the ground for 150 years is not easy to rot and dissolve. A lot of plastic waste landfill in the ground will destroy the permeability of the soil layer, harden the soil and endanger the growth of plants. If livestock mistakenly ingest plastic that seeps into concentrate or remains in the countryside, it can also lead to death due to digestive system infarction.
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